Games Inbox: Digital vs. physical video games, Doom 2 release date, and Shenmue III doubts
Added: 03.07.2018 19:42 | 1446 views | 0 comments
 The evening Inbox wonders if Overwatch has jumped the shark, as one reader wonders why good DLC is so rare.
| Far Cry 5: Hours of Darkness DLC Review
Added: 03.07.2018 18:48 | 1323 views | 0 comments
 More like 90 Minutes of Darkness.
| Secret Boss Fight - Splatoon 2: Octo Expansion
Added: 03.07.2018 18:44 | 1474 views | 0 comments
 See how to defeat the secret final boss in Splatoon 2's Octo Expansion DLC - unlocked only after completing all 80 stations and gathering all the Mem Cakes.
For more guide help, see our Splatoon 2 Wiki at
| Pocket Gamer Podcast: Episode 446 - Westworld, Suzy Cubes
Added: 03.07.2018 18:40 | 1491 views | 0 comments
 With E3 over and done with, it's customary for all the devs who held back the launch of their games during the show to simultaneously release them onto the app stores. And this is how you find James, Em, and Ric this week: pummelled beneath a digital tidal wave comprised of Westworld, Suzy Cubes, Splatoon 2 DLC, and loads more portable games. But our buoyant hosts will not be sunk, not even by the Android launch of Gorogoa and a huge PUBG update. They will persist. Oh yes. Persist they will. Download episode 446: (right click to save-as, left click to play)
| Planet Coaster's Vintage DLC celebrates the "golden age" of theme parks
Added: 03.07.2018 9:54 | 1349 views | 0 comments
 Planet Coaster's next paid DLC update, which comes to PC on July 10th, offers a celebration of theme parking's "golden age" in the early 20th century. It's called the Vintage Pack and introduces seven new rides, "dozens" of scenery props, new visual effects, vending machines, and some old-time musical ambience, including barbershop-quartet-style harmonies - all intended to capture "the spirit of the timeless golden age of outdoor entertainment" and enable players to create nostalgic parks inspired by the likes of Coney Island, town fairs, and end-of-the-pier seaside amusements. On the coaster front, there's the Zephyrus - from the 1920s, and one of the world's first high-speed wooden coasters - and Aces Sky. New rides include Round the World (a Ferris Wheel paired with rotating gondolas), the twin cabin inverting Loop Da Loop, an inverting plane ride known as Test Flight, the twisting Hurricane, and, finally, the classic centrifuge ride Centrum.
| Rock Band 4 - Yacht Rock Pack 01 DLC Trailer
Added: 03.07.2018 8:58 | 846 views | 0 comments
New, smooth songs come with this DLC pack.
| Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Betrayal of Comrades DLC2 Trailer
Added: 03.07.2018 8:34 | 851 views | 0 comments
New enemies, new characters, and a new system are part of the second DLC, available now.
| Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet - Betrayal of Comrades DLC2 Trailer
Added: 03.07.2018 8:34 | 1407 views | 0 comments
New enemies, new characters, and a new system are part of the second DLC, available now.
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