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Patched #38 Our E3 2018 Top 3s

Added: 04.07.2018 6:38 | 1442 views | 0 comments

Patched returns for the first time in quite a while, so join Paul, Damo and Matt as the trio discuss the games that impressed them the most from E3 2018!

Tags: E3

Is Beyond Good and Evil 2 more ambitious than Star Citizen?

Added: 04.07.2018 3:33 | 1946 views | 0 comments

Red Bull Games Australia takes an in-depth look at Beyond Good and Evil 2 from a behind closed doors session at this year's E3 and throws in some comparison to another major space title full of similar ambition in Star Citizen and writes: "Theres an impressive video that was released a while ago showcasing the true geometry and real-time finesse required to understand, and master, Star Citizen, of a planetside entry, ship-landing and then third-person exit into a fully populated interior. And theres no question this was an impressive display of raw design and technology. But the content we saw behind closed doors at this years E3 for Beyond Good and Evil 2 easily trumped that. Largely because Beyond Good and Evil 2 isnt taking its space-faring overly seriously. Theirs is an action-RPG sci-fi future where rules can be written on-the-fly to accommodate artistic vision and fun gameplay..."

Tags: E3, IGN, RPG

Cyberpunk 2077 release date - all the latest details on the dystopian RPG

Added: 04.07.2018 3:15 | 1536 views | 0 comments

When is the Cyberpunk 2077 release date? CD Projekt Red revealed loads of Cyberpunk 2077 trailers and gameplay info at E3 2018 - here are all the latest details.
For years we waited with no sign of a new Cyberpunk 2077 trailer and gameplay details, but CD Projekt Red has revealed masses of new details on the upcoming futuristic RPG, and all at once. Their huge E3 2018 demo showed that Cyberpunk 2077 is the answer to perhaps the biggest game development question of the decade: how do you follow up something like The Witcher 3? Polish RPG powerhouse CD Projekt Red is looking to replicate its successes with Eastern Europe’s beloved fantasy book series by turning its hand to the futuristic world of Cyberpunk 2077.
While we wait for CD Projekt Red’s next masterpiece, check out the adventures you could be having in the meantime with our list of the .
CD Projekt Red’s videogame is an adaptation of the Cyberpunk 2020 pen-and-paper game. It's a first-person RPG set in a gritty, vast future metropolis known as Night City. Like The Witcher 3, it is an adult story, touching on drugs, violence, and social politics. It’s almost certainly going to be the most talked about game of whatever year in which it finally releases. Here’s everything we know about Cyberpunk 2077. cyberpunk 2077 release date Cyberpunk 2077 release date
cyberpunk 2077 release date

Tags: E3, PC, IGN, Trailer, RPG
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The good, the unknown and the ugly of Beyond Good & Evil 2

Added: 03.07.2018 19:47 | 1354 views | 0 comments

Last week, Beyond Good & Evil 2 creator Michel Ancel told fans to expect a . It was disappointing news, perhaps, for those eager to explore the kind of worlds glimpsed in last year's flashy E3 debut trailer. But it was also news which should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone following the game's still-early progress.
What sort of game will Beyond Good & Evil 2 be? It's still hard to say - a year on from the tech demo shown behind closed doors at E3 2017. Over the 12 months, Ubisoft Montpellier has periodically streamed updates to its loyal followers on Twitch, but these have mostly just been opportunities to share concept art and answer questions. For this year's E3, Ubisoft Montpellier packed a proper gameplay demo in its suitcase, one which showed off co-op play and some early combat and exploration systems - but it was another glimpse which left us with probably more questions than answers.
I'm excited for Beyond Good & Evil 2's story after hearing how the dots connect between the two flashy CGI trailers shown thus far. Likewise, I'm delighted by this year's confirmation BG&E1 stars Jade and Pey'J are back for definite. For those in need of a recap, last year's trailer saw our crew of heroes steal a set of coordinates and set off for something named Moksha's Gate, a mysterious object described by Ubisoft Montpellier as "a door in space", led by a captain who shared a familial resemblance to Jade. This year, we caught up with the crew later on, with the captain mysteriously missing, as Jade herself pops up as an antagonist and seemingly ends the mission to Moksha's Gate for good.

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Yes, Todd Howard and team have settled on The Elder Scrolls 6's region

Added: 03.07.2018 19:47 | 1378 views | 0 comments

When at the end of Bethesda's E3 show, the message was clear: we're working on the game but it's a very long way away. We saw a very brief trailer of a mountainous, coastal environment, and then a logo, and that was it.
But what were we seeing? Was this the setting of the new game or a kind of red herring - a generic Elder Scrollsian scene made for the trailer? Has Bethesda Game Studios even settled on the region we'll play in yet?
I thought we'd wait yonks for an answer but as luck would have it I got one from Todd Howard at Spanish conference Gamelab this week.

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If Ubisoft wants to cling on to Clancy, it's time to talk politics

Added: 03.07.2018 19:47 | 1383 views | 0 comments

How do you duck a question about the politics of a game which pits a citizen militia against a corrupt government in modern-day Washington DC? Well, you could start by talking about the weather. "I loved the coldness of the first game, and to be able to go to DC and actually get to feel the humidity and hot summer of East Coast weather," The Division 2's creative director Terry Spiers to Polygon at E3, when pressed about what it meant to stage an armed uprising in the capital of his own country. "That's what I'm most excited about."
This kind of chipper, non-committal platitude has become as natural as breathing for Ubisoft, even as its various Clancy properties bury their expensively accessorised noses in topics like the South American narcotics trade or the ethics of torture. It's all rather odd when you consider the pride, not to say enormous smugness, Tom Clancy himself took in the links between his stories and the shadow realm of superpower relations and national security. on TV in 1998, for instance, arguing for a change of law to permit the assassination of heads of state with reference to his 1996 door-stopper Executive Orders. in a memorably unsympathetic Washington Post profile, boasting of the "half-million" calls he received from admiring reporters in the aftermath of Operation Desert Storm.
With their starchy casts of alpha nerds and special operators, visions of an America that is at once wargod and underdog and steamy accounts of missile launches and fleet manoeuvres, Clancy's books were warmly embraced by the military establishment. Colin Powell - former US secretary of state and one of the minds behind the bogus case for Saddam's secret WMDs - once declared that "a lot of what I know about warfare I learned from reading Tom". Ronald Reagan was also a fan: while negotiating with the USSR in Reykjavik, he recommended Red Storm Rising to Margaret Thatcher for its "excellent picture of the Soviet Union's intentions and strategy". Clancy, who never served in the armed forces thanks to acute near-sightedness, reveled in all this, name-dropping high rank contacts to reporters and railing against peaceniks and grifter politicians in speeches at academies and bases. You wonder what he'd have made of Ubisoft's determination to avoid seeing Tom Clancy games in any kind of context, to show us footage of democracies on fire while talking gaily of blue skies and "exploring a new city".

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PUBG developer debunks accusation maps are "asset flips"

Added: 03.07.2018 19:47 | 1455 views | 0 comments

The developer of PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds has debunked what it calls "misinformation" and "oversimplified tales" about the way the game is developed.
The criticism here revolves around the re-use of certain assets across PUBG's maps, and the buying of pre-made assets from the Unreal marketplace. Posts like the one below occasionally pop up on the , alongside the accusation that the vast majority of the game's maps were bought-in. Some even accuse PUBG of being an "asset flip" game.
This debate kicked off again this week after PUBG creator Brendan "PlayerUnknown" Greene expressed his frustration at the "asset flip" jibe in an interview with Geoff Keighley at E3, saying it "kills me a little inside".

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Final Fantasy 7 remake "actually in development"

Added: 03.07.2018 19:47 | 1428 views | 0 comments

The Final Fantasy 7 remake was conspicuous by its absence from Square Enix's awful E3 2018 media briefing - so, should we be worried about its development? Is it even in development?
Speaking to , Tetsuya Nomura, the director of the game, moved to reassure concerned fans, insisting people at Square Enix are currently working on the game.
"It's not just in the early concept stages," Nomura said. "We are actually in development."

The good, the unknown and the ugly of Beyond Good & Evil 2

Added: 03.07.2018 19:42 | 1316 views | 0 comments

Last week, Beyond Good & Evil 2 creator Michel Ancel told fans to expect a . It was disappointing news, perhaps, for those eager to explore the kind of worlds glimpsed in last year's flashy E3 debut trailer. But it was also news which should come as absolutely no surprise to anyone following the game's still-early progress.
What sort of game will Beyond Good & Evil 2 be? It's still hard to say - a year on from the tech demo shown behind closed doors at E3 2017. Over the 12 months, Ubisoft Montpellier has periodically streamed updates to its loyal followers on Twitch, but these have mostly just been opportunities to share concept art and answer questions. For this year's E3, Ubisoft Montpellier packed a proper gameplay demo in its suitcase, one which showed off co-op play and some early combat and exploration systems - but it was another glimpse which left us with probably more questions than answers.
I'm excited for Beyond Good & Evil 2's story after hearing how the dots connect between the two flashy CGI trailers shown thus far. Likewise, I'm delighted by this year's confirmation BG&E1 stars Jade and Pey'J are back for definite. For those in need of a recap, last year's trailer saw our crew of heroes steal a set of coordinates and set off for something named Moksha's Gate, a mysterious object described by Ubisoft Montpellier as "a door in space", led by a captain who shared a familial resemblance to Jade. This year, we caught up with the crew later on, with the captain mysteriously missing, as Jade herself pops up as an antagonist and seemingly ends the mission to Moksha's Gate for good.

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